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May 29, 2025  |  Memorial Art Gallery M&T Bank Ballroom

2025 Design Awards Celebration

We invite all members and architecture enthusiasts to join us at the 2025 Design Awards Celebration where we will showcase the best of Rochester architecture! The Design Awards recognizes excellence in architecture by local architects. We will take a look at all of the top projects by Rochester architects and then reveal the award winners!

The evening will begin with a cocktail reception and hors d'oeuvres in the Memorial Art Gallery's Bausch & Lomb Parlor and then guests will enjoy the Design Awards presentation in the M&T Bank Ballroom. Dessert to follow. We look forward to a beautiful event! Purchase your sponsorships and tickets today - last year's event sold out!

Become a part of our Design Awards Celebration by sponsoring today!

Program Schedule

5:00 -6:00 p.m.

6:00 p.m.

Cocktail Hour

Design Awards Presentation

Desserts & Celebration to follow

Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorships purchased after May 15, 2025 may not be listed in print materials.

Large Table Package         

Half Table Package

Presentation Sponsor

Napkin Sponsor

Cocktail Slide Sponsor

Hors D'oeuvres Sponsor

Dessert Sponsor

Signature Drink Sponsor










Ticket prices increase May 15, 2025

Individual Ticket           $70

Sponsorships - Details

Sponsorships purchased after May 15, 2025 may not be listed in print materials.



limited availability

   •Reserved table for eight (8) with your company’s signage on tabletop
   •Eight (8) event tickets
   •Eight (8) drink tickets 
   •Logo appears on a splash screen recognizing all Table Sponsors during the Awards Program
   •Hyperlinked logo appears on AIA Rochester’s Design Awards webpage



limited availability

   •Reserved half large table of eight OR reserved small table with seating for four (4) with your company’s signage on tabletop
   •Four (4) event tickets
   •Four (4) drink tickets 
   •Logo appears on a splash screen recognizing all Table Sponsors during the Awards Program
   •Hyperlinked logo appears on AIA Rochester’s Design Awards webpage




   •Two (2) event tickets
   •Two (2) drink tickets
   •Logo appears on a full splash screen during Awards Program                      
   •Hyperlinked logo appears on AIA Rochester’s Design Awards webpage



Includes splash screen with your name or company logo during a digital show displayed before/after show.




Includes name/logo on signage near desserts at the event.

two available



Create a signature drink named for your firm or organization to be sold at the bar during the show.

one available



Includes name/logo on disposable napkins at the event.

one available



Includes name/logo on signage displayed at the bar at the event.

two available



Includes name/logo on signage at hors d'oeuvres table.     

three available

Framework for Design Excellence +

Improving Your Submission

Presented live on December 3, 2024

Join Mark Maddalina and Adam Badura for a presentation that will assist your preparation for the 2025 Design Awards.

2024 Framework Design Awards CES.jpg

Enjoy the presentation - click to enlarge  Video courtesy of SWBR

Mark takes us through the AIA Framework for Design Excellence to help us understand the purpose of each of the 10 categories. National and local, Rochester-designed projects are used as examples. Following, you will be able to look at all of your past, current, and potential projects through the Framework lens - you are probably addressing more of the Framework in your project planning than you think!


Adam speaks to the submittal process to share examples of more successful submissions regarding narrative, photos, content, and conveying the story of the building.


We invite architects, designers, and marketing professionals - especially your project submittal team - to watch the presentation!

​Mark Maddalina, AIA, LEED AP BD+C, is a Principal and Sustainable Design Director at SWBR. He has overseen the certification of numerous LEED projects, champions SWBR’s efforts as a signatory of the AIA 2030 Commitment, and created the firm’s Sustainable Design Best Practices, which are based on the AIA Framework for Design Excellence. Mark is the chair of AIA Rochester's Committee on the Environment (COTE), which is open to passionate and enthusiastic new members.


Adam Badura, Associate AIA is in his second year as chairperson of our annual Design Awards program. He is a member of the AIA Rochester Board of Directors as the Director of Practice + Design. Adam is an architectural designer at HUNT-EAS.

Call for Entries

AIA Rochester invites member architects who reside or work in a firm located within AIA Rochester's seven county jurisdiction (Monroe, Wayne, Livingston, Ontario, Yates, Seneca, and Allegany) to submit built projects in any category. Interior designers who are members of the IIDANY Rochester City Center and live or work in AIA Rochester's jurisdiction are invited to submit projects as well. Unlicensed architectural professionals who meet the above criteria are eligible to submit projects in the Unbuilt Category only.


Projects completed after January 1, 2020 are eligible. in any category. Projects which have won in the Unbuilt Category are not eligible for future submissions and awards.

Each entrant may submit any number of entries.  Submitting architect(s) and interior designer(s) must be responsible for the design of the submission, either solely or in collaboration with another design professional.  Design professionals that did not provide a meaningful contribution to the design of the submission are not eligible to submit an entry, but must be acknowledged in the submission.  Collaborative local design teams may enter joint submission(s) as a team, or individually by submitting a written release from the other Rochester area design professional(s) involved in the design of the submitted project.  

To register your project(s), download, complete, and return a Registration Form for each project.

Completed Registration Forms and payment must received by noon on Friday, December 20, 2024 (extended) for your project to be considered.

December 3, 2024

CEU seminar entitled The AIA Framework for Design Excellence (1 AIA LU) will provide insight in how to prepare and present your submission in regards to the Framework, narrative, and more. Architects, designers, and marketing staff are encouraged to attend.

December 20, 2024 - noon (Extended)

Registration due by noon.

February 10, 2025 - noon (Extended)

Submissions (digital) must be uploaded to the specified Google Drive folder by 12:00 p.m.

February 2025

Jury convenes

March 2025

Sponsorships are made available

Event tickets go on sale

May 15, 2025

After May 15 sponsors are not guaranteed to be listed in print materials

May 29, 2025

The Awards will be presented at an in-person event at the Memorial Art Gallery

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Participant FAQ

What happens after I register my project?

Following registration, you will be contacted via email with a link to a secure, private Google Drive folder for each separate project which contains the submission template and instructions. You will need to use or establish a gmail address to maintain access to this folder. Some firms establish a gmail address for this purpose.

Where is the Image Identification Form?

There are no longer separate forms for Image Identification, Community Impact, etc.  All information will be submitted via a Google Form. The link for the Form is also available in your Submission Template.

Where do I find the release form for photographers to sign?

There is a section within the Google Form where you will certify photographers' release.

Where do I find the release form for the owner's information?

There is a section within the Google Form where you will certify release of the owner's information.

Is there a format to titling images?

Please caption your preferred image "2025-xx_xxxx.jpg".  It would be helpful to title all images with your project number prefix but is not required. All images must be in .jpg format.

​The Submission Template asks for images to credit photographers. Since there’s no Image Captioning Document, do you want those credits on the slides?  

If you have multiple photographers, please add photography credit on your PowerPoint submission. You may remove photography credit on the pdf version of your submission which goes to the jury.
If you have only one photographer you do not need to add the credit on your PowerPoint.

Will you notify the winners?

We will continue the well-received format that we returned to in 2024 and will only reveal the winners at the Celebration on May 29. 


The AIA Rochester Design Awards Committee has restructured the project classification system. Entrants are encouraged to select all categories that describe their project. The categorization is intended to assist the outside jury with their review only.

Due to the size of our awards competition, AIA Rochester does not award Design Awards per category. 

___New Construction
___Urban Planning/Urban Design
___Historic Preservation
___Adaptive Reuse


___Single Family Detached
___Multi Family, Multiple Dwellings
Other: _____________________________


___Other: _____________________________


___Medical Facility
___Other: _____________________________


___Flex Building
___R&D Facility
___Other: _____________________________

Interior Design

___Provided as part of an architectural project
___Provided independent of an architectural project


___Unbuilt (Recognizes commissioned architectural design works by designers that are not built or completed)

AIA Framework for Design Excellence

Introduced in 2019, AIA’s Framework for Design Excellence “represents the defining principles of good design in the 21st century. Comprised of 10 principles and accompanied by searching questions, the Framework seeks to inform progress toward a zero-carbon, equitable, resilient, and healthy built environment. These are to be thoughtfully considered by designer and client at the initiation of every project and incorporated into the work as appropriate to the project scope. The Framework is intended to be accessible and relevant for every architect, every client, and every project, regardless of size, typology, or aspiration.”


Since AIA Rochester integrated the Framework into the Design Awards in 2020, we have been pleased to recognize that our entrants regularly incorporate these measures during the design process to create good architecture. 

Each entry in the 2025 Design Awards is required to illustrate how it incorporates a minimum of three Framework measures. 

The ten measures in the Framework are:

Design for Integration: Good design elevates any project, no matter how small, with a thoughtful process that delivers both beauty and function in balance. It is the element that binds all the principles together with a big idea. 

Design for Equitable Communities: Design solutions affect more than the client and current occupants. Good design positively impacts the future by helping communities thrive—socially, economically, and environmentally.

Design for Ecosystems: Good design mutually benefits human and nonhuman inhabitants. What we design has a direct impact on the ecosystems in and around the site. Understanding the site dynamics will allow us to be more conscious of our impacts. 

Design for Water: Good design conserves and improves the quality of water as a precious resource.

Design for Economy: Good design adds economic value for owners, occupants, the community, and the planet—regardless of the project size and budget.

Design for Energy: Good design reduces energy use and eliminates dependence on fossil fuels while improving building performance, function, comfort, and enjoyment.

Design for Well-being: Good design supports health and well-being for all people—considering physical, mental, and emotional effects on building occupants and the surrounding community.

Design for Resources: Good design depends on informed material and resource selection—balancing priorities to achieve durable, safe, and healthy projects with an equitable, sustainable supply chain to minimize possible negative impacts on the planet.

 Design for Change: Good design is adaptable, resilient, and flexible to change over time—reducing the building’s risk and vulnerability and enhancing its usability, functionality, and value.

Design for Discovery: Every design project presents a unique opportunity to apply lessons learned from previous projects and discover new information to refine the design and construction process.

Congratulations to our 2024 Winning Projects

2024-19 SMALL PREFERRED - Tim Wilkes Photography.jpg

Grand Honor Award architecture

Autism Nature Trail

2024-18 Arbor Midtown - Hanlon Architects - Jessica Palaszynski.jpg

Merit Award

Hanlon Architects

Arbor Midtown

2024-09 Lincoln Library - Edge - Tim Wilkes.jpg

Citation Award

Edge Architecture

Lincoln Library

2024-15 RIT Student Hall for Exploration and Development (SHED) - MRB Group - - Robert Ben

Design Award

MRB Group with William Rawn Assoc.

RIT Student Hall for Exploration and Development (SHED)

2024-04 Clute Park Redevelopment - Stantec - Van Zandbergen Photography.jpg

Merit Award

Stantec Architecture, Inc.

Clute Park Redevelopment

2024-03 24 Jones Avenue - PLAN PC - Tim Wilkes Photography.jpg

Community Impact Award

PLAN Architectural Studio, PC

24 Jones Avenue – Housing for Alcohol and Substance Use Rehabilitation

2024-20 buildingOUT - in.site_ architecure - Tim Wilkes Photography.jpg

Design Award architecture


2024-13 Neighborhood of Play - CJS Architects - Kim Smith.jpg

Merit Award

CJS Architects

Neighborhood of Play


Large Table Sponsors

CED_Vertical Logo_RGB_HIGH RES.png
Davis Fetch - from web.png
MRB Group_made.png
PASSERO-EA_Logo_blue April 2024.jpg

Half Table Sponsor


Anonymous Donation by a Structural Engineer in Support of the Next Generation of Architects!

DiPasquale Construction.png

Presentation Sponsors

ME Engineering.jpg

Bar Sponsors


Hors D'oeuvres Sponsor

HSE-Logo herrick saylor from web.png

Napkin Sponsor

Weckesser Brick Red and yellow-01.png

Signature Drink Sponsor

QLS logo.jpg

Cocktail Slide Sponsors

Jensen BRV Logo_croped.jpg
ME Engineering.jpg

All project submissions

2023-01 Greece Central School District Transportation and Support Services Facility.jpg

24 Jones Avenue - Housing for Alcohol & Substance Use Rehabilitation

PLAN Architectural Studio, P.C.

Community Impact Award

2023-01 Greece Central School District Transportation and Support Services Facility.jpg

Clute Park Redevelopment


Merit Award

2023-01 Greece Central School District Transportation and Support Services Facility.jpg

James Newbury Hotel Complex


2023-01 Greece Central School District Transportation and Support Services Facility.jpg

RIT School of Photographic Arts & Sciences

PLAN Architectural Studio, P.C.

2023-01 Greece Central School District Transportation and Support Services Facility.jpg

Rochester Public Market - 2022 Master Plan

PLAN Architectural Studio, P.C.

2023-01 Greece Central School District Transportation and Support Services Facility.jpg

Arbor Midtown

Hanlon Architects

Merit Award

2023-01 Greece Central School District Transportation and Support Services Facility.jpg

DePaul Lock 7 Apartments


2023-01 Greece Central School District Transportation and Support Services Facility.jpg

Lincoln Library

Edge Architecture

Citation Award

2023-01 Greece Central School District Transportation and Support Services Facility.jpg

RIT Student Hall for Exploration and Development (SHED)

MRB Group / William Rawn Associates

Design Award

2023-01 Greece Central School District Transportation and Support Services Facility.jpg

Stever's Candies

Hanlon Architects

2023-01 Greece Central School District Transportation and Support Services Facility.jpg

Autism Nature Trail architecture

Grand Honor Award

2023-01 Greece Central School District Transportation and Support Services Facility.jpg

Edna Craven Estates Apartments

Passero Associates

2023-01 Greece Central School District Transportation and Support Services Facility.jpg

Neighborhood of Play

CJS Architects, LLC

Merit Award

2023-01 Greece Central School District Transportation and Support Services Facility.jpg

Roberts Wesleyan University Golisano Community Engagement Center


2023-01 Greece Central School District Transportation and Support Services Facility.jpg

Villa of Hope - Living Hope Treatment Center

Stantec / PLAN Architectural Studio

2023-01 Greece Central School District Transportation and Support Services Facility.jpg

Chili Fire Department New Fire House

Passero Associates

2023-01 Greece Central School District Transportation and Support Services Facility.jpg

Henrietta Fire District - Station 6

Passero Associates

2023-01 Greece Central School District Transportation and Support Services Facility.jpg

Passive House

Architectura PC

2023-01 Greece Central School District Transportation and Support Services Facility.jpg

Rochester Institute of Technology – Grace Watson Hall Renovations

LaBella Associates, D.P.C.

2023-01 Greece Central School District Transportation and Support Services Facility.jpg

buildingOUT architecture

Design Award

2024 Event Photos

Photography by Fanny Venegas 

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